

2018-04-09 15:36    来源:中网资讯      字号:


  It reflects the spirit of the rising of the Chinese nation from dayu. From chang 'e to the moon to show the great dream of the Chinese descendants; From the two emperors of yan and huang, they have witnessed the unyielding spirit of the Chinese people. From the perspective of fuxi, Yin and Yang of the stars in the sky explained the innovation and wisdom of Chinese people. The author learns from the myth to create Chinese mythology.


  黄帝 The yellow emperor


  炎帝 Yan di


  神农尝百草 Shennong tastes the grass


  “Chinese mythology” series of paintings (1.25×2.5 meters) “the source of an ancient name for China” big eight league draw (5×2.5 meters)creation began in June 2017 to February 2017, the series is given priority to with paper and ink, foil the illusory mysterious black and white space, the author in the form of modern creative thinking with imagery, with vivid ink expresses the ancient myths, writing out the roots of ancient and contemporary searches for the picture.


  伏羲八卦 The Fu gossip


  仓颉造字 Changjie make a word


  大禹治水 Dayu water conservancy



  The author gets the inspiration for artistic creation from mythology, and dares to shake off the traditional thinking of traditional Chinese painting. The plane abstract composition is combined with the beauty of pen and ink. To make the picture more modern aesthetic desire, Oriental art exquisite is the principle of "white guarding black" Yin and Yang. The picture USES only the simple element of black and white to make the picture more vivid, more the beauty of Yin and Yang.

  The author, in the form of composition and space, integrates abstract and image-oriented elements into the multi-dimensional space-time expression of the new ink painting. The abstract beauty of the calligraphy line has a strong visual sense to push the ink painting to the Oriental modern art, which can enrich the viewer's sense of touch and illusion. Let the viewer take the emotion with the new vision to explore the overall connotation of the picture, thus the spiritual sublimation. (word/Ren Ke)

作者:佚名   责任编辑:刘洋
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